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Is Git a block chain?

Git is not listed as an example of block chains, but at least in summaries, both data structure descriptions look alike: data block, single direction reverse linking, hashes, ...). So where is the difference, that Git isn't called a block chain? Both Git and blockchain are using merkle trees as their fundamental underlying data structure.

What is blockchain GitLab source?

gitlab source What is Blockchain? "Blockchain is a peer-to-peer decentralized distributed ledger technology that makes the records of any digital asset transparent and unchangeable and works without involving any third-party intermediary.

Is a git repository bitcoin?

Well, that much should be obvious, that a Git repository is not Bitcoin. Capital B and little b. Neither in structure nor payload is it Bitcoin. There are some purists that when you say “blockchain” what you should mean is “The Blockchain,” rooted in the genesis block mined by Satoshi himself (may his work not be in vain).

Is a blockchain mutable?

Blockchain is immutable (Git allows rebase), and also relies on consensus via redundant network mining and security is increased by the size of the network. You can fork a blockchain and rewrite blocks just as you can fork a git repo and rewrite history. Both are immutable in a sense and mutable in another.

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